Our Mission Statement

Our company's vision is to be recognised market leaders, who both profitably & efficiently manufacture and supply quality approved construction fixing products through qualified and experienced staff who strive to exceed our valued customers' expectations.

Environmental, Health and Safety
BAT Metalwork hold certification for both ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety Management System). With the integration of both these management systems, it has allowed BAT Metalwork to adheres to the highest standards of health and safety, ensure the safe operation of tasks and protection of our employees and the environment.

It is the policy of BAT Metalwork that in conducting its activities, every effort will be made to protect the Health and Safety of its employees at work and others persons who may be affected directly or indirectly by its activities.

Effective management of Health and Safety is given utmost priority by BAT Metalwork. Both our Environmental and Health and Safety policy’s apply across all BAT Metalwork operations and is targeted to develop shared attitudes, beliefs and instill in all employees a culture of best practice in Environmental, Health and Safety.

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